Request tracker

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    Queue: <name>
        Set new queue for the ticket

    Subject: <string>
        Set new subject to the given string

    Status: <status>
        Set new status, one of new, open, stalled, resolved, rejected or

    Owner: <username>
        Set new owner using the given username

    Priority: <#>
        Set new priority to the given value

    FinalPriority: <#>
        Set new final priority to the given value

    Set new date/timestamp, or 0 to unset:

        Due: <new timestamp>
        Starts: <new timestamp>
        Started: <new timestamp>

    Set new times to the given value in minutes. Note that on
    correspond/comment "TimeWorked" add time to the current value.

        TimeWorked: <minutes>
        TimeEstimated: <minutes>
        TimeLeft: <minutes>

    Manage watchers: requestors, ccs and admin ccs. This commands can be
    used several times and/or with "Add" and "Del" prefixes, for example
    "Requestor" comand set requestor(s) and the current requestors would be
    deleted, but "AddRequestor" command adds to the current list.

        Requestor: <address> Set requestor(s) using the email address
        AddRequestor: <address> Add new requestor using the email address
        DelRequestor: <address> Remove email address as requestor
        Cc: <address> Set Cc watcher(s) using the email address
        AddCc: <address> Add new Cc watcher using the email address
        DelCc: <address> Remove email address as Cc watcher
        AdminCc: <address> Set AdminCc watcher(s) using the email address
        AddAdminCc: <address> Add new AdminCc watcher using the email address
        DelAdminCc: <address> Remove email address as AdminCc watcher

    Manage links. These commands are also could be used several times in one

        DependsOn: <ticket id>
        DependedOnBy: <ticket id>
        RefersTo: <ticket id>
        ReferredToBy: <ticket id>
        Members: <ticket id>
        MemberOf: <ticket id>

   Custom field values
    Manage custom field values. Could be used multiple times.

        CustomField.{CFName}: <custom field value>
        AddCustomField.{CFName}: <custom field value>
        DelCustomField.{CFName}: <custom field value>

    Short forms:

        CF.{CFName}: <custom field value>
        AddCF.{CFName}: <custom field value>
        DelCF.{CFName}: <custom field value>

For example, to disown a ticket and reset it as new, send an email to RT (comment or correspond) with the first two lines:

Owner: Nobody
Status: New

Not it!